Can't install Video Add -ons - Verze k tisku

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+--- Téma: Can't install Video Add -ons (/prispevek-can-t-install-video-add-ons)

Can't install Video Add -ons - EwoutM - 14.12.2018


I have downloaded the zip file from: https://kodi-czsk.github.io/repository/
And have installed it via the zip installer in Kodi 17.4.
Now I want to install joj.sk and some other apps but they aren't installing.
Fault: The dependency on script.common.plugin.cache or The dependency on script.module.requests  
How do I fix this? Do I need to install something?

Apps that are working (could download): Aktualne TV, Huste TV, Markiza, Nova Plus, Prima Play

RE: Can't install Video Add -ons - koperfield - 14.12.2018

@EwoutM: Ano, o této chybě již víme, viz. https://www.xbmc-kodi.cz/prispevek-mall-tv?pid=57129#pid57129


Yes, that's actually a known bug, see: https://www.xbmc-kodi.cz/prispevek-mall-tv?pid=57129#pid57129

RE: Can't install Video Add -ons - EwoutM - 19.12.2018


Thanks, for your answer.
But I still have it, you too?