18.1.2019, 1:43
(Tento příspěvek byl naposledy změněn: 18.1.2019, 2:09 uživatelem KubiszDeny.)
Taková menší informace pro tvůrce doplňku, případně pro ty co sledují filmy přes openload.
(Případně přes plugin Bombuj.eu https://www.xbmc-kodi.cz/prispevek-bombuj-eu-doplnek )
Openload nově směruje z co > pw
https://openload.co/embed/aZBn_hJj0ng > https://openload.pw/embed/aZBn_hJj0ng
Zde je úprava souboru openload.py (...\script.module.resolveurl\lib\resolveurl\plugins)
(Po úpravě smažte soubor openload.pyo a restartujte Kodi)
link: https://uloz.to/!CHx1VupuuD53/script-mod...lveurl-zip
Taková menší informace pro tvůrce doplňku, případně pro ty co sledují filmy přes openload.
(Případně přes plugin Bombuj.eu https://www.xbmc-kodi.cz/prispevek-bombuj-eu-doplnek )
Openload nově směruje z co > pw
https://openload.co/embed/aZBn_hJj0ng > https://openload.pw/embed/aZBn_hJj0ng
Zde je úprava souboru openload.py (...\script.module.resolveurl\lib\resolveurl\plugins)
(Po úpravě smažte soubor openload.pyo a restartujte Kodi)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
openload.io resolveurl plugin
Copyright (C) 2015 tknorris
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import json
from lib import helpers
from resolveurl import common
from resolveurl.common import i18n
from resolveurl.resolver import ResolveUrl, ResolverError
logger = common.log_utils.Logger.get_logger(__name__)
API_BASE_URL = 'https://api.openload.co/1'
INFO_URL = API_BASE_URL + '/streaming/info'
GET_URL = API_BASE_URL + '/streaming/get?file={media_id}'
FILE_URL = API_BASE_URL + '/file/info?file={media_id}'
class OpenLoadResolver(ResolveUrl):
name = "openload"
domains = ["openload.io", "openload.co", "oload.tv", "oload.stream", "oload.win", "oload.download", "oload.info", "oload.icu", "oload.fun", "openload.pw"]
pattern = '(?://|\.)(o(?:pen)??load\.(?:io|co|tv|stream|win|download|info|icu|fun|pw))/(?:embed|f)/([0-9a-zA-Z-_]+)'
def __init__(self):
self.net = common.Net()
def get_media_url(self, host, media_id):
if not self.__file_exists(media_id):
raise ResolverError('File Not Available')
video_url = self.__check_auth(media_id)
if not video_url:
video_url = self.__auth_ip(media_id)
except ResolverError:
if video_url:
headers = {'User-Agent': common.RAND_UA}
video_url = video_url + helpers.append_headers(headers)
return video_url
raise ResolverError(i18n('no_ol_auth'))
def get_url(self, host, media_id):
return 'http://openload.co/embed/%s' % (media_id)
def __file_exists(self, media_id):
js_data = self.__get_json(FILE_URL.format(media_id=media_id))
return js_data.get('result', {}).get(media_id, {}).get('status') == 200
def __auth_ip(self, media_id):
js_data = self.__get_json(INFO_URL)
pair_url = js_data.get('result', {}).get('auth_url', '')
if pair_url:
pair_url = pair_url.replace('\/', '/')
header = i18n('ol_auth_header')
line1 = i18n('auth_required')
line2 = i18n('visit_link')
line3 = i18n('click_pair').decode('utf-8') % (pair_url)
with common.kodi.CountdownDialog(header, line1, line2, line3) as cd:
return cd.start(self.__check_auth, [media_id])
def __check_auth(self, media_id):
js_data = self.__get_json(GET_URL.format(media_id=media_id))
except ResolverError as e:
status, msg = e
if status == 403:
raise ResolverError(msg)
return js_data.get('result', {}).get('url')
def __get_json(self, url):
result = self.net.http_GET(url).content
js_result = json.loads(result)
if js_result['status'] != 200:
raise ResolverError(js_result['status'], js_result['msg'])
return js_result
def get_settings_xml(cls):
xml = super(cls, cls).get_settings_xml()
xml.append('<setting id="%s_auto_update" type="bool" label="%s" default="true"/>' % (cls.__name__, i18n('auto_update')))
xml.append('<setting id="%s_url" type="text" label=" %s" default="" visible="eq(-1,true)"/>' % (cls.__name__, i18n('update_url')))
xml.append('<setting id="%s_key" type="text" label=" %s" default="" option="hidden" visible="eq(-2,true)"/>' % (cls.__name__, i18n('decrypt_key')))
xml.append('<setting id="%s_etag" type="text" default="" visible="false"/>' % (cls.__name__))
return xml
def isPopup(self):
return True
link: https://uloz.to/!CHx1VupuuD53/script-mod...lveurl-zip